My COH Voice

About the UWUA


The UWUA is by no means a charity. It is a big business, surviving on the dues, fees and fines of its hard-working members.

The UWUA is required each year to file a document called an “LM-2,” which reports the union’s most recent financial flow. It also provides information on how the union collects and spends its members’ dues and fees. Download UWUA’s LM-2 Report. 

Workers pay for most of the union’s costs and overhead through their dues. These costs include lobbying, travel and the salaries and benefits for union officers and staff.

$ 0
Revenue generated by the UWUA in 2023 — 90% collected from members’ per capita taxes.
0 %
Percentage of UWUA revenue spent to organize new members, bargain contracts, and represent current members.
0 %
Percentage UWUA spent on overhead, gifts, salaries, benefits for union leaders and staff, political activities, and lobbying.
$ 0
Spent to pay the UWUA’s staff and officers.

UWUA Spending

The chart below breaks down how the UWUA spent $18,707,035.

Source: 2024 UWUA LM-2 Report. *Other: Contributions, Gifts, and Grants; Supplies for Resale; Loans Made; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; Less Total Disbursed.

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